

(for 1 month access)


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Dvorah Lansky

Skills you will learn

Concentration, Goal Setting, Swift

About this course

20 Ways to Shift Gears and Increase Your Energy So You Can Live the Life of Your Dreams

Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Loosing Momentum or Not Being as Productive or Effective as You’d Like to Be? What Steps Do You Take When Your Attitude or Actions Seem to Derail Your Dreams?

We get so busy with our day-to-day responsibilities. We can also experience stress from worry about things going on in our life or business. Consider creating new habits that can propel you towards not only your goals but a happier, successful life.

In this class we’ll explore 20 strategies to help you shift gears so you can experience more joy and get more done!

Topic Area 1 of 4 - Attitude Shift

1. Find Your Passion

2. See Failure as a Learning Opportunity

3. Focus on What You HAVE Achieved

4. Be Grateful for the Small Things

5. Set a Limit on Worry Time

6. Learn to Like Yourself

7. Identify your Weak Points—and Plan Around them

Topic Area 2 of 4 - Productivity

8. Act on the Quick Tasks

9. Ask Yourself: “Is What I’m About to do Taking Me in the Direction of My Goals?”

10. Adopt a “Motto of the Month”

11. Let Go of a Few Things Each Week

12. Narrow Your Focus

13. Break it Down into Bite-Sized Chunks

14. Trim Your To-Do Lists

Topic Area 3 or 4 - Take Time to Be Around People You Like and Love

15. Stay Connected

16. Hang Out with Positive People

17. Nurture Your Relationships

Topic Area 4 of 4 - Take Time to Smell the Roses

18. Walk Away from the Computer

19. Create More of What You Do Want

20. Reward Yourself for Your Efforts

Reflect and Recalibrate and Get Ready to Accomplish More as You Experience Increased Joy

Class Project and Action Steps

  • Print off the slide handouts (via the Class Project tab - you'll need to view that page when you are on your computer and not a mobile device.)
  • Go through the suggested activities.
  • Schedule time each week and each day to focus on doing something you enjoy or something that brings you joy.
  • Journal about your progress and realizations.


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