

1.5 hours



Any Level




Evgeny Makhina

Learn how to attract attention of your audience to stop being a boring speaker

Expected learning & outcomes

  • Prepare speeches faster and easier
  • Avoid being sabotaged on stage
  • Use attention-getting techniques to keep people focused on a subject
  • Get more sales from stage
  • Make complicated points easier to understand

    Skills you will learn

    Content Marketing, Lecturing, Marketing, Presentation, Presentation skills, Promotions, Strategy

    About this course


    In the 21st century, a speaker is no longer the only source of information in a room. Nowadays one cannot get full attention of the audience just because he or she has something to say. One needs to earn this attention.

    Become an interesting speaker by mastering easy-to-use attention-grabbing techniques!

    In this course you will learn:

    ·         How to make content of your speech interesting.

    ·         How to structure your speech properly so that you don’t get criticized or sabotaged on stage.

    ·         How to get more sales from stage without forcing people.

    ·         How to be a “valuable” speaker.

    ·         How to prepare speeches faster and easier.

    The skills covered in the course are essential if you want to make your presentations a part of your content-marketing and promotion strategy. Nowadays people are busy – no one really wants to come to simple sales presentations or watch them online. If you want to make people interested – you need to stand out.

    How come Apple does great presentations and so many companies do not?

    I have seen dozens of pointless, boring and low-performing presentations.  They really could have been better.  

    This is why I created this course. I wanted to help speakers improve the quality of the time they spend with the audience and to show them a way to get better results.

    Attention of your audience is a great resource. You just need a manual.

    It’s time to stop just talking to listeners. Learn how to make them participants!                         


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