

1 hour







Bob Norton

Learn to put people and processes on autopilot to give managers leverage and time to work "on", not just "in" the biz.

Expected learning & outcomes

  • Learn when a dashboard is needed for a company, department or project
  • Learn the underlying philosophies that make dashboards drive better performance
  • Review example corporate level dashboards
  • Review an example Marketing dashboard
  • Review example Sales dashboards
  • Review example Operations Dashboard
  • Download sample dashboards

    Skills you will learn

    Marketing, Organization, Reporting

    About this course

    Dashboards 101 is a prerequisite for this course because it discusses foundational definitions and philosophy needed.

    Dashboards 201 is for managers and people responsible for using dashboards and contributing to the data collection and dashboard review processes. This course covers the four levels of reporting in a company, key philosophies to use dashboards properly, when and why dashboards are needed and reviews actual sample dashboards for sales and marketing.


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