

1.5 hours







Susan van Zyl

I can not really teach you how to draw, BUT I CAN teach you how to see differently like an artist should!

Expected learning & outcomes

  • The ideal drawing course for beginners
  • Learn how to really see differently and in more detail
  • Gain insight in, and master the different shading techniques
  • Pencil Knowledge and control
  • Value scales - lights and darks

    Skills you will learn

    Arts, Drawing, Illustration, Swift

    About this course

    The greatest frustration for any artist is not knowing the fundamentals. Sadly enough it is one of the most neglected areas by far. Do not fret. Let me help you find the inner artist by helping you step by step through the fundamentals before you attempt your great and awesome masterpiece.
    In this course consisting of 8 parts, you can be comfortable with the knowledge that should you do the exercises diligently, you will improve and you will dust off your Inner Artist and let it shine through victoriously! Practice really makes perfect.

    A disclaimer of some sorts, this is NOT just a listen and learn course. You have to put in the work and do the exercises. That is the big secret!

    Another secret of being the best artist you can be is............(Drum roll) / \                                                                                                                      Do you really see things differently from any other person. If not, you should. You should become Inspector Artist (Private Eye) pun intended

    From part 1 to last course, Seeing like an artist should, would put you in the driving seat. yes, imagine that! You will see things others do not even see. You will be quick to find where the problem lies in your drawing, you will more readily see what is wrong with a painting/drawing because your eye is trained to see differently. This 4 part course was developed in sequence so that your  art foundation is strong and unshakable!


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