

1 hour



Any Level




Winnie & Nadette

The Lazy Person's Way to Turn Dreams Into Goals

Expected learning & outcomes

Learn how to set attainable goals, create an action plan and reclaim your time in order to make your dreams a reality.

Skills you will learn

Budgeting, Concentration, Goal Setting, Planning

About this course

Everyone has dreams but why does it seem so few people make their dreams reality? If making a plan could be fun and easy, surprisingly like game, and your life could be totally changed beyond your greatest expectations, wouldn’t you give it a shot?

After many years making our own dreams come true, we realized that developing a plan to reach goals is similar to designing a game and is not necessarily as difficult as many people imagine. Instead, it can be very simple and fun, something everybody can easily accomplish with proper planning and focus. 

We developed our dream achieving guidelines and method based on our personal experiences and successes and hope you will apply the know-how you will learn in this course to transform your life. 

In this course you will learn how to:

1. Set a goal & identify your priorities and purpose

2. Analyze your strengths and personal resources

3. Develop action items by MindMapping

4. Make a specific plan with a deadline and budget

5. Reclaim your time

6. Enjoy the process of achieving your dream

7. Turn your passion into your profession


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