





The University of Queensland




Assoc. Prof. Paul Dargusch

Simone Elias

Dr. Adrian Ward

Professor Karen Hussey

Investigate global climate change policies and learn the essential skills organisations need to be financially competitive in a low carbon economy.

Expected learning & outcomes

  • Why climate change is a public policy issue and what types of policies exist to address it
  • How these public policies work to encourage adaptation to and mitigation of climate change
  • The benefits of carbon emissions management
  • How to calculate the emissions of an organisation using carbon footprinting
  • How to use Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACCs) to visualise and compare projects by cost and emission reduction volume
  • How to engage in an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), optimise a project portfolio, purchase the correct mix of ETS options (e.g. auction allowances, carbon offsets and secondary market allowances) and limit penalty payment.

Skills you will learn

Compliance, Organization, Problem Solving, Trading

About this course

Want to be a key player in transitioning your organisation to the low carbon economy? This course is ideally suited to business managers, financial managers, business-intelligent analysts and data scientists interested in remaining competitive in a low carbon economy.

This course will equip you with the knowledge and essential skills to manage the risks and opportunities of transitioning to the low carbon economy. Adopting the role of a key employee in a fictitious company, you will learn about different policy responses to climate change, how to measure your organisation’s carbon footprint, how to compare projects based on emissions reduction and cost, and how to participate in an emissions trading scheme.

This interactive course incorporates videos, expert insights, real-world case studies, skills-based practical exercises and scenario-based problem solving to teach you the essential policy and mathematical concepts that organisations are looking for in order to manage their emissions, select financially viable projects, and meet their potential compliance obligations into the future.


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