

2.5 hours







Johnson Kee

Want To Increase Quality Score, Get More Clicks With Less Money And Beat The Competition? Write Emotional AdWords Ads!

Expected learning & outcomes

  • Understand the principles of writing more compelling AdWords copy,
  • Be able to assist their clients with improving ad CTR by writing ads that get more clicks,
  • Decrease cost per conversion,
  • Take out competitors who won't know how you are writing such "clickable" ads!

    Skills you will learn

    Book Writing, Google+, Writing

    About this course

    Did you know that Google will actually reward you if you write good AdWords ads? They only want to show the most relevant results to their searchers. How will they reward you? By giving you discounts on your CPC, up to 50% off. The best way to do this? By writing emotionally compelling AdWords ads.

    This course is the only one of it's kind on Udemy. I actually practice what I preach and will serve up emotional ads based on ads I find "in the wild". I assist students with their own ad copy, offering advice where possible. If you want to:

    • increase your quality score,
    • own the number one position at the top of the SERPs,
    • spend the same amount of money but get more clicks,
    • get quantum-leap improvements in CTR,
    • have fun writing ads,

    This course is for you!


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