

1 hour



Any Level




Stephanie Bosch

Interested in how to be more productive? How to stop being lazy? Than check this course out!

Expected learning & outcomes

At the end of this course students will have a toolkit, which will help them to be more efficient and productive.

Skills you will learn

Active Listening, Listening, Motivation, Support

About this course

Hello and a very warm welcome,

lovely to see you here!

Do you know this feeling when you are sitting just right in front of your to do list and can't be bothered to get started? Or the feeling of having to do so many chores at home and it feels overwhelming and annoying? Or the feeling when you have to study for an exam or write a paper and suddenly you feel an urge to tidy your whole room and clean your windows? Have you ever thought "I'll so productive when I come home from work and will do X, Y and Z" - and as soon as you came home and only sat down on the sofa for a second ... you couldn't bother to do ANYTHING? 

If any of these scenarios and feelings sound familiar to you and you would like to stop procrastinating and finally get things done, than this course is exactly what you are looking for.

I'm originally a German, living in London, and as you might know we Germans love efficiency. So, I created this course to help you become more productive and get things done efficiently.

 What are you going to learn? 

We are going to cover Techniques, Tipps and Hacks, that are easy and efficient. For a successful transformation however, it is important that you are whole-hearted use and apply these techniques. 

We will be covering things like:

  • The Power of Your Thoughts
  • How to Not be Scared of Big Projects
  • To Do Lists
  • How to Reduce the Pressure
  • Being Scared of Success
  • How to Enjoy the Journey
  • Breaks
  • Excuses & Motivation
  • Calendar Management
  • How a Sparringspartner can support you
  • Time Vampires
  • Get to know yourself
  • Commit
  • Reality Check

Does this sounds interesting to you? Well, than I look forward to seeing you in the course :-)

Of course there will be also some free preview lectures, which you can check out upfront to make sure this course is what you expect.

I a looking forward to meeting you virtually in the course.




What others say about this course:


Great course, I feel really motivated to be more efficient and productivity after this. All I need is to be persistent. bye bye procrastination.


It's a useful and well done course.


thanks for the useful tips.


The course is good in general and worth listening I gave 4 because 4.5 and 5 I give only for really awsome, huge courses that present complex material. Audio could have better quality and it would be great if more videos would have written recap of most important things.


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