

(for 1 month access)


Any Level


John A.

Skills you will learn

Book Writing, Confidence, SQL, Writing

About this course

"Learn SQL in 6 days" Video Course provides a basic understanding of databases, tables, as well as how to manipulate data with functions like add, edit or delete data from tables and databases. Data retrieval concepts, which includes sorting, filtering, multi-table join, sub-queries and using functions in retrieval statements are discussed in detail.

This course covers the following topics:

  • Database Basics
  • Schema
  • Managing Database and Tables
  • Populating Data
  • Retrieving Data
  • Functions
  • Creating Sub-totals
  • Sub-queries

This course requires approximately 3.5 hours to complete. But we would recommend you to split it into 6 days to have a complete understanding of the concepts.

This course is structured in such a way that one can start writing SQL in hours with confidence.


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