

7 hours






Build Six Real World Projects(With Flexbox and CSS Grid) and Also Learn How To Host Your Website Online For Free!

Expected learning & outcomes

  • Work with HTML5 elements and CSS3 to structure a web site.
  • CSS3 media queries in order to make the website perfect for responsive design.
  • CSS Grids
  • CSS Flexbox
  • Animation and Transition Effects
  • Learn How to Host and Deploy Your Website Online For Free
  • Incorporate video using HTML5 tags.
  • Creating Forms
  • Create More Than 6 Projects
  • Gain Real-World Skills To Build Professional,Beautiful and Truly Responsive Websites
  • After This Course,Knowledge Gained Can Land You A Job
  • Learn About Console Tools
  • CSS Variables

    Skills you will learn

    Animation, Development, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, Media, Professional, Teaching, Video, Web Development

    About this course

    There are A Whole Lot Of  HTML And CSS Courses Out There That Follow The Normal Cliche Which Doesn't Really Work.

    In Some Courses, You Could Tell The Instructor Is Knowledgeable And Knows His Stuff But Sucks At Teaching Or Conveying That Information To His Learners.

    With This Course, It Sets You On The Right Path. There Is No Already Made Code And We Build Everything Right From The Ground Up. There Are No Starter Files With Already Made Code Where You Need To Try And Understand Someone Else's Code, Like I Said We Will Be Building Everything From Start To Finish.

    As A Self Taught Developer, I Know And Have Been Through The Hurdles And Frustrations Of Learning On Your Own,especially Getting Stuck And Making You Feel Like Almost Giving Up. This Course Will Teach You To Write Clean And Effective HTML/CSS.

    HTML/CSS Is The Basic Foundation Of Web Development,once You Get That Understanding, delving Into Other Languages And Frameworks Like Bootstrap,javascript, jquery And The Rest Becomes Really Easy. Not Only Will We Learn The Theory Of Html And Css Step By Step But Its Practical Aspect And We Will Also Apply That Knowledge By Building Real Life Projects . We Are Going To Be Building 2 Main Projects(A Simple Landing Page Website And A Restaurant Video Page Website. ) Alongside Mini Projects.

    This course is designed to help beginners and intermediates to learn the basics of HTML & CSS.

    No prior knowledge of HTML & CSS required. You will learn all that from scratch.


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