

2 hours







Cathy Goodwin

How To Grow Your Small Business By Telling Stories

Expected learning & outcomes

  • Use stories as a marketing tool to get more clients, not as a source of light entertainment
  • Understand why some stories help build your business (and some actually sabotage your success)
  • Tell a story that's perfect for your purpose and your occasion (rather than try to fit an all-purpose story to everything you do)
  • Mine your own background and experience for stories to support your marketing (no more saying, "I have no story!")
  • Avoid the most common mistakes in storytelling that make you look like an amateur
  • Know exactly how much of your own life you can share (and when TMI begins)

    Skills you will learn

    Lecturing, Marketing, Storytelling, Support

    About this course

    You probably know this already: Behind every successful small business is a good story.

    Or, as Richard Branson famously said, “Entrepreneurs must tell stories to survive.”       

    But how do you decide what story to tell? How do you tell that story for maximum impact?  And what if you don't even have a story -- at least, not one you want to share? 

    This course focuses directly on how to use stories strategically for marketing. You'll learn to view storytelling as a marketing tool, not a source of entertainment.  You'll discover why your most effective business story isn't a fairy tale, a campfire story and most definitely not a bedtime story. 

    Forget what you've learned about being vulnerable, baring your soul and presenting your hero's journey story. You'll learn why being vulnerable can make you seem less likeable, when a personal story becomes Too Much Information and what to do when you haven't taken a hero's journey.   

    You'll find new places to use stories so you get a jump on the competition (and incidentally make your marketing more productive and a whole lot more fun). You'll get tips to become a storytelling ninja so you wow your audience when you share stories live and virtually, via the Internet.    

    The course is 100% guaranteed.You get 9 video modules with links to valuable resources you might not find elsewhere.      So … why wait? You’ve got stories to share and your audience wants to hear them.

    • 9 video lectures and 2 hours of content!

    • Discover how to get more impact from your marketing by telling stories

    • Learn how to avoid the most common storytelling mistakes most businesses make

    • Understand why Cinderella makes a great movie but a lousy marketing story

    ... and much, much more! 


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