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Michael Rubacha

Study Guide for the California Police Academy (P.O.S.T.) Written Examination

Expected learning & outcomes

  • At the end of this StudiGuide course, students will be able to understand the California Criminal Justice System.
  • Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of Emergency Planning in California.
  • Students will, after careful study and review of this course, will be able to have a better understanding for the testing and passing of the State of California’s Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training (POST) basic police academy written examination.

    Skills you will learn

    Artificial Intelligence, Planning, Police, Safety, Testing, Training

    About this course

    This StudiGuide course provides a practice review-testing resource for police academy cadets (based on the state of California’s Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.


    • the definition of terrorism

    • the history of the Incident Command System (ICS)

    RECOGNIZE terrorism indicators and counterterrorism measures


    • typical terrorist methods, motivations and tactics

    • domestic terrorist groups

    • special interest terrorist groups

    • international terrorist groups

    • the Department of Homeland Security threat levels

    • law enforcement prevention/deterrence actions

    • public safety information sharing resources

    • the concepts of a threat and vulnerability assessment

    • local critical infrastructure sectors

    • threat assessment rationale

    • the intelligence cycle

    • intelligence resources

    • Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

    • routes of exposure and the assessment of WMD exposure

    • the components of the R.A.I.N. Concept, Recognize, Avoid, Isolate and Notify

    • biological WMD agents

    • the characteristics of nuclear/radiological WMD agents

    • the characteristics of incendiary devices

    • the types of chemical WMD and toxic industrial chemicals / materials

    • the effects of toxic industrial chemicals / materials

    • the types and characteristics of explosives and improvised explosive devices

    • the importance of WMD job aids for First Responders, Louisiana State University (LSU) WMD Response Guide and Emergency Response Guide (ERG)

    • response strategies and decontamination issues

    • the phases of a WMD incident

    • the basic on-scene actions at a WMD incident

    • incident response priorities of Life versus property, Crime scene protection and Preservation of evidence

    • types and levels of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and decontamination considerations

    • law enforcement, First Responder roles and responsibilities associated with responding to a critical incident

    • the features of ICS

    • the five functional components of ICS

    • the components of the State of California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS)

    • the components of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)

    Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test.


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