

14.5 hours



Any Level



Restore Chemistry in Your Brain with these Powerful Brain Frequencies and BE HAPPY. Balance and Inner Healing.

Expected learning & outcomes

  • It will increase the level of Serotonin in the Brain;
  • You will have an active and healthy Sexual Life;
  • Will have disposition;
  • You will be a happier person;
  • It will be a person with High Astral;
  • It will increase the Level of Consciousness in the Hawkins Scale;

    Skills you will learn

    Backup & Restore, Communication, Development, Goal Setting, Neuro linguistic Programming, Physics, Programming

    About this course

    Chemistry of Happiness, this is how Serotonin is known. Serotonin affects every part of our body, from emotions to motor skills. Besides being considered the chemistry of happiness, by regulating humor, it also has other important functions, such as:

    • Helps Reduce Depression;

    • Regulates Sleep;

    • Acts in the Sexual Function;

    • Helps Heal Wounds;

    • Maintains Bone Health;

    • Regulates Nausea;

    • Blood clotting;

    • And infinity of other Functions.

    Before explaining what you will find here, I want you to know that, this is not a course, but a Transformation Project. An opportunity for you to change your life. No matter what situation you are in right now, you can change your life. All projects available here on the Udemy Platform are based on Quantum Physics.

    First thing you need to understand is that for every activity in your brain, there is a frequency. Everything, exactly everything you do, or what your body does automatically, the brain uses a specific frequency range to achieve that goal. And it is no different for you to increase the "Chemistry of Happiness" in your body, that is, Serotonin.

    The frequency used in this project will work together with the Solfeggios to bring a physical, mental and spiritual balance. It is a 27-day process where you will experience the power of these Frequencies in your brain, your body and your life.

    Here are some of the benefits you can get:

    • Sleep better at Night;

    • Increased libido;

    • An improvement in Mood;

    • A Healthier Life;

    • A more active sexual life;

    • Higher vibration;

    • High mood;

    • Improve communication between Nerve Cells;

    • Decrease Depression;

    • Be more calm;

    • More Focused;

    • Less Anxious;

    • More Emotionally Stable;

    • Anyway, you will have many benefits.

    Beneath Some Benefits of Solfeggios:

    • Inner healing, physical and emotional;

    • Breaking of Mental Blocks;

    • Will eliminate any Energy Block;

    • It will increase your Level of Consciousness;

    • Will act in DNA Regeneration;

    Performance of the 9 Solfeggios together with 10Hz Alpha:

    174Hz - It will remove all physical, mental and karmic pain that leads you to a depressive life. It acts in the energy field, eliminating any blockages and limitations;

    285Hz - Acts on physical well-being and will directly regulate the Serotonin Level;

    396Hz - It will remove all the guilty feeling that keeps you in low vibration and consequently on a low Consciousness Level;

    417Hz - This frequency will eliminate traumatic experiences, even if you do not remember it anymore. It will cleanse beliefs that limit you, making it impossible for you to achieve high levels of consciousness;

    528Hz - DNA Regeneration. At this frequency you can observe the miracles in your physical and mental body;

    639Hz - Here you will feel that your communication improves. This frequency will help you to have harmonious relationships.

    741Hz - This is the moment when the 2nd Exercise, available in this project, begins to come to life. All the toxins in your body can be eliminated through creative visualization;

    852Hz - Your Tagarela Mind begins to be reassured. This frequency eliminates the excessive thoughts that cause anxieties, worries and stress;

    963Hz - Your return to the Natural State of Being, that is, a happy person, pleasant and full of power. Here it will give life to the 3rd Exercise, available in the project. If you open yourself to something new, your life will never be the same.

    While I was doing Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I heard from my mentor the following phrase: "Everything that is possible for a person is possible for anyone."

    If you understand this phrase, if you just give a chance to believe what I just wrote, you will see the miracle before your eyes. No matter what you are going through, what really matters is how you will act in the face of this moment. You can definitely change your reality, but everything starts and ends in you, that is, it depends solely and exclusively on you.

    If everything you have read has made sense to you, then give this opportunity for transformation. As I said, this is not a course, but a Transformation Project. Believe you can! The Miracle is just beginning.

    See you soon!

    A Little About Evandro Angotti:

    Before you talk about me, I want to make it clear that my only real intention is to help people. Today I was able to wake up and be happy to know that I am with this wonderful Project in 18 countries. I could not go that far if it were not for you. So, please stay here registered my gratitude for your life. I wish the Universe would grant you everything you want for your life. May you achieve all your goals. You are free to contact me ASAP.

    I have more than 10 years of experience in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Isocronic Waves, Binaural and Solfeggios, Quantum Physics (Law of Attraction) and Personal and Spiritual Development. I have helped and continue to help thousands of people, now around the world. I feel fulfilled. I believe my purpose in life is coming to fruition as I see, people like you, achieving their goals. For me, it would be worthless, if this does not happen, it's worth nothing if you do not reach your goal.

    And finally, pay close attention: I am able to help you reprogram whatever you want into your life. But it all depends on you.

    Note: As already mentioned, despite having some important information, this project is not about a course, but about frequencies that you will use for 27 days to do a Mental Reprogramming.

    Note²: Each Project made available here in the Udemy Platform has its purpose. Each of them takes a certain amount of time for its complexity in development. In addition, I try to improve every day to deliver all of them with the best possible quality. If you are interested in developing in other areas, look for other projects, which I thought of you to do. Gratitude!!


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