

(for 1 month access)




Keith Vaz

Skills you will learn

Adobe Animate, Adobe Flash, Animation, Concentration, Drawing, Illustration

About this course

Tradigital animation- a hybrid created by a combination of traditional hand-drawn animation (pencil and paper) and computer animation software (in this case Adobe Flash CS5).

Lesson 1 will focus on the animation principles of "squash and stretch", and "timing and spacing". you will be using those to create an animation of a simple ball bouncing.

By the end of the lesson, you will be able to animate a stationary ball bouncing using Adobe Flash and either a mouse or a stylus and drawing pad, or Adobe Animate CC if using the updated version.

The lesson break-down:


-Tools in flash

-Squash and stretch theory

-Timing and spacing theory

-Timing chart explanation

-Ease-ins and Ease-outs

-Bouncing Ball demo

-More examples

-Class project


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