

2 hours







Patrick Felicia

A step-by-step guide to creating your first game with Unity

Expected learning & outcomes

  • Become familiar with the interface and discover useful shortcuts and functionalities that can save them time.
  • Create a functional 3D environment from scratch using Unity built-in objects.
  • Combine primitives (e.g., boxes) to rapidly build a maze.
  • Import and apply textures.
  • Create an outdoor environment with Unity's built-in terrain generator.
  • Know how to search for and organize assets in your game efficiently.
  • Work with textures, lights and shadows to add more realism.
  • Add and control First- and Third-person Controllers.
  • Export a scene created in Unity so that it can be displayed on a web page.
  • Apply colors to objects.
  • Find objects and assets easily in your project.
  • Include and control vehicles such as cars or planes.

    Skills you will learn

    Coding, Pilot

    About this course

    In this course, you will become comfortable with Unity's interface and its core features, by creating a project (with no coding involved) that includes both an indoor and an outdoor environment.

    • You will learn how to install Unity and to become  familiar with the interface. You will also learn and use different  shortcuts necessary to navigate through scenes and projects in Unity.

    • You will learn to create and export your first scene by combining  built-in objects. You will also learn how to manage objects, apply textures  and colors, and transform objects to create a simple scene.

    • You will create  an indoor scene (i.e., a maze)  with built-in shapes. You will also work with and manage lights in your  scene to set the atmosphere and navigate through the scene with a  First-Person Controller.

    • You will then create a  realistic island with sandy beaches, water, and palm trees using Unity's  built-in assets,  drive a car and pilot an  airplane.


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