

(for 1 month access)




Kevin Chisholm

Skills you will learn

JavaScript, Planning, Troubleshooting

About this course


Scope and Context are two very important concepts in JavaScript, and they are not the same thing.   Understanding the difference between Scope and Context will help you to write cleaner, more maintainable code and save you time when troubleshooting problems.

In this course, I will take you on a deep-dive into the world of Scope and Context. We will learn not only the difference between these two concepts, but also how to make the right decisions when planning your code and take the right steps when troubleshooting problems.

Course Outiline

  1. introduction - Welcome!
  2. Why is it so important to understand the difference between Scope and Context?
  3. What is the difference between Scope and Context?
  4. Required software
  5. Get set up
  6. Where to find the example code
  7. Scope Details - Three Kinds of Scope
  8. Global Scope  - Discussion
  9. Global Scope - Demonstration
  10. Private Scope - Discussion
  11. Private Scope - Demonstration
  12. Block Scope - Discussion
  13. Block Scope - Demonstration
  14. Context - Discussion
  15. When They "feel" the Same - Discussion
  16. When They "feel" the Same - Code - Part 1
  17. When They "feel" the Same - Code - Part 2
  18. When They "feel" the Same - Code - Part 3
  19. When They "feel" the Same - Code - Part 4
  20. When They "feel" the Same - Code - Part 5
  21. When They "feel" the Same - Code - Part 6
  22. Making Better Decisions - Discussion
  23. Making Better Decisions - Demonstration
  24. A Bit More About Context
  25. Switching Context with .call() & .apply()
  26. Method Chaining - Discussion
  27. Method Chaining  - Demonstration
  28. "this" vs $(this)
  29. A Bit More About Troubleshooting
  30. Troubleshooting a Scope Problem
  31. Troubleshooting a Context Problem
  32. Class Project
  33. Thank You!

Looking forward to having you in this course!



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